International Municipal Lawyers Association Mid-Year Seminar, Washington, D.C.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Presented by Chris Balch & Lori Gonzalez
Moderator: Douglas Haney
Your bosses are ostensibly the elected body. But, you get assignments, direction, and demands from department heads (and sometimes supervisors), the administration, and the elected body. Keeping track of the competing, overlapping, and (often) conflicting demands and requestsfrom a client is perplexing for any lawyer. It is especially challenging for the small com- munity local government lawyer who may be a solo practitioner or in a small shop of 3 to 6 lawyers plus support staff.
This presentation will examine the technology tools available to lawyers to manage tasks, staff, and time and keep track of all of the things your client wants you to handle. Taking each part of the process (time management, task management, and business management), Lori and Chris will explore the choices and path taken and the options available if that path does not work for you.