Local Government Counsel

The Balch Law Group works diligently to get the answers you need when you need them and within your city’s budget.
The firm’s local government law philosophy is to work with elected and appointed officials and to provide a pathway to accomplishing the policy goals they set for their city or county while assuring they are in compliance with their city’s or county’s charter and state and federal law.
Sometimes it’s very hard to do both. The law is not a science, and people often disagree about ethics and policies. Lawyers can’t take numbers and type them into a calculator and have everyone agree on the answer. There is no 2+2=4 in our world. Words are messy, imprecise, and difficult.
In advising clients we seek an approach that expertly mitigates risk while seeking to apply the spirit and letter of the statute or ordinance at issue. In an ever evolving political climate at all levels of government, we are steadfastly committed to providing timely, accurate, and appropriate advice to our clients.
Because of the vast experience and know-how of our lawyers, most of the time we are able to provide answers quickly, if not immediately as they arise in work sessions and council meetings. When further research is required, we strive to deliver results in a timely fashion with city’s budgetary restraints in mind.
The firm provides general counsel services to local governments in the Metro Atlanta area. Our lawyers serve as the chief legal advisor for all areas of local government, and advise on economic development and community investment with our clients. Our many notable accomplishments include bringing the Atlanta Hawks Practice Facility (a joint venture with Emory University) to Brookhaven, negotiating an agreement with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to support infrastructure improvements in the City of Brookhaven, and protecting homeowners in Douglasville from the noise, dust, and industrial traffic of a proposed rock crushing plant.
We are fortunate that our clients’ trust and confidence allow us to recommend and to retain subject matter experts to advise on those specialized issues they confront.
When outside specialists are required such as with telecom, financing, or real estate, we remain keenly aware of our cities’ concerns and work with such counsel diligently and cooperatively.
Chris Balch is the #1 Crisis Lawyer in Georgia
Establishing a Respected Governing Environment
From an organizational and senior management perspective, Chris deserves much credit in establishing a respected governing environment in the City of Brookhaven. We both came to a three-year old city with few established processes, little strategic focus, and devoid of any organizational culture. We also came to a City with a new Mayor and City Council with no prior elected official experience and on the backside of a political scandal. In just over six years, Brookhaven has become a recognized high-performing city with superior leadership, a stable and productive governing body, and a leader in innovative program and policy development. We could not have achieved this level of success without the many years of experience Chris brought to the table and Chris’ courage to speak up and address deficiencies and risks.
Christian Sigman,
City Manager,
Brookhaven, Georgia
Greatest Integrity
In my day job, practicing law as a specialist in legal malpractice and professional ethics, my standards are exacting and my expectations high. Mr. Balch has never failed to meet those standards with the greatest integrity.
Linley Jones
City Council District 1
City of Brookhaven, GA
At no time does the Balch Law Group or its lawyers pay or accept referral fees from other firms, PACs, or lobbyists for work it accepts or refers.