One of the very best things about being a boutique law firm is the ability to deliver personalized service no matter how big the client. So, in 2016 when Chris and his colleagues wanted to do something nice at the holidays for the staff of the cities BLG represents, Chris brainstormed ideas with his strategic planner and wife, Victoria Lansford.
They tossed around the various vendors and food service options that law firms typically use, but nothing seemed special enough. Victoria is a professional visual artist of more than 30 years and always thinks outside the box to delight her collectors and customers. She also believes, like Chris, in the value of things made by hand with love.
said Victoria
Ok, but from where?
asked Chris
From here.
I got this. Everyone loves homemade cookies!”
Victoria replied while they were talking in their kitchen at home.
What began as a two-day holiday baking fest with Victoria and their son Skyler, has become a family affair and a labor of love that involves even the busy BLG staff and Chris himself. After all, a shared love of cooking was one of the many things that drew Chris and Victoria together.

This past 2019 holiday season as work became even more hectic, Chris and I asked ourselves if we could realistically continue our efforts, but as city employees and other clients began hinting hopefully shortly after Thanksgiving, we knew we’d started an important tradition that people genuinely look forward to. We found out when word goes out that our cookie gifts have arrived, people literally descend upon the break rooms, and the cookies are gone within minutes, but the smiles remain for a long time.
The handmade idea is symbolic of BLG’s commitment to community and letting people know they are valued,
says Victoria.